Sunday, June 3, 2012


We all have to keep ourselves fit all the time, right? That I meant, physically, mentally, financially, and other aspects of our daily lives. However there are these instances that we become overwhelmed with delicious and enticing stuff and neglect those that keep us healthy. I am pretty much guilty of this because I always prefer delicious foods than healthy foods, spending rather than saving, being quite than speak it out.

People like me shouldn't worry anymore.. Below is a list of foods and other stuffs that we think are unhealthy or unwise, but are counted as healthy with some modifications:

1. You can now have pizza at night.
Pizza is often thought to be unhealthy, however if it is made with  whole wheat crust and low fat cheese topped with veggies (instead of pepperoni and ground beef), you'll have the sumptuous healthy pizza ever!

2. Pasta
My all time favorite is pasta. I don't know why it is unhealthy, but if you have to exchange its ingredients to multigrain ones, it'll help you get that required 25 grams of fiber per day.

3. Juice
Reputed to be a sugar and calorie booster, fruit and vegetable juices today according to some research, reduces your risk of Alzheimer's disease by 76% and lowers your cholesterol.

4. Drink cocktails
Oops! Sounds pretty good? Research shows that alcohol, when mixed with certain fruits (like strawberries) are likely to increase antioxidants.

5. Speak out
So much for the food stuffs, let's have some nourishment for our being. If you're kind of quiet person who just shy away or keep quiet all the time, well, I suggest learn to speak out. By speaking out it doesn't mean verbally say it, you may have it in whatever expression you may want to express yourself. A person who writes affectionately to the people close to him/her are likely to drop cholesterol levels to 11 points. 

6. Shop!
Gals! We'll surely love this.. Buying something that pleases you can give your mood a lift, plus it'll burn some 160 extra calories walking around the mall. 

All those I listed above are modifications and should be done on moderation. Everything that is done in moderate is always healthy. :)

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1 comment:

  1. Thank you for this. :) I agree that moderation is the key.
